Nathan Hemperly is a fine art woodturner who produces collectable wood vases, bowls, urns and dyed vessels. I collect the trees from Kansas to Washington state, bring them to my fine
art woodturning shop, Marnasi Studios, and begin the blocking and spalting process. I want to preserve as much of the wood as possible and so I use a stabilizing process
for the wood that is too soft (rotten) to use. This wood has some great character. Depending on the wooden vessels I'm working with, it may be left natural, dyed,
carved or embellished with exotic inlay, rock, precious stone or metals. The result is fine wood turned art that all can enjoy.
For stabilizing punky wood try Mesquite Man's Cactus Juice, it works great. Buy it at
Just added resin to the wood turning fun. Burls I wasn't able to turn before, can now be saved and made into a beautiful work of art. Hope you enjoy the resin / wood art!